
We believe that God’s guidance and the support of like-minded peers.


Life today can be difficult to navigate, especially for young adults. We believe that God’s guidance and the support of like-minded peers are important in a world where Christians are seeking to swim upstream, against the flow of society. With these two components, a young adult can be able to stand, like Daniel and the three Hebrew boys, as a witness for Christ. 

TOC Round Table is a group that strives to serve as a safe space for young adults by young adults. The Round Table will tackle topics that weigh upon the youth of today, through a God-centered lens. If they have issues, it will be a safe space for them to bring their concerns or doubts, to be supported spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, as well as through prayer for their circumstances without being judged.

We believe that God’s guidance and the support of like-minded peers are important in a world where Christians are seeking to swim upstream, against the flow of society.

The Round Table plans to have weekly meetings, and each month, we will delve into a new topic once support has been successfully given. Some of these meetings will be aided with the help of invited experts in a topic area to provide professional insight and answer questions. We will be fostering an atmosphere of learning, where we can prayerfully learn and gain wisdom from each other. A Book club will be formed as a platform to read through the writings of Ellen White and other like-inspired writers. It promises to be an impactful platform for the up-building and development for us youths with the guidance, counsel and prayers of our leaders and adults. 

In closing, I'd like to leave you with this verse, which serves as our vision for this arm of TOC'S ministry:

Mission: “Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all” (1 Thessalonians 5:14, KJV).

Meeting Times

Bi-monthly on Zoom

Every other week on Telegram


Join our Telegram and WhatsApp Groups for updates and reminders.