Vaccines – The other side of the Story cont

Education in health principles was never more needed than now.

T. Dixon-Vernon

“Truth wears no mask, seeks neither place nor applause, bows to no human shrine; she only asks a hearing.” (“The Poisoned Needle” Eleanor McBean, page 1)

The ideal of vaccinations to prevent disease dates bas to 1796.  In that year Edward Jenner, a British physician, believed that dairymaids who had caught cowpox (a minor disease), could not catch smallpox (a fatal disease).  Jenner then took diseased matter from the hand of Sarah Nelmes, a local dairymaid who had become infected with cowpox and inserted this matter into the cut arm of James Phipps, a healthy eight-year-old boy.  The boy then caught cowpox.  Forty-eight days after Jenner inserted smallpox matter into the boy.  It had no effect.  This was the first recorded vaccination.  Today, several vaccines exist.  They are prevalent – even mandatory – in many countries.  Most people trust them to be safe and effective. However, findings on several of the more commonly administered vaccines do not support this conclusion.

Leonard M Harowitz in his book, “Emerging Viruses: Aids and Ebola – Nature, Accident or Intentional” notes on page XIV that Jenner’s vaccination approach was followed in the twentieth century by Pasteur’s use of rabies virus grown in rabbit’s brain and by Theiler’s finding that he could reduce the effects of yellow fever virus by growing it in chicken embryo’s.   In 1938, injections for the Polio virus were grown in mouse brains.  Most people including scientists, are unaware that we still use primary monkey kidney cells to produce live polio vaccines. 

Likewise dog and duck kidney cells were used to make licensed rubella vaccines.  Experimental vaccines, grown in animal tissues and intended for human use, were commonly tested in African monkeys it is likely that many of these monkeys were released back into the wild.  This practice has led to the emergence of primate diseases, some of which could have been transmitted back to humans.

Large number of rural Africans were also chosen as test recipients of experimental human vaccines.

In veterinary medicine, live viral vaccines have been widely used in domestic pets and in animals destined to become part of the food chain.  Undoubtedly, many cross-species transfer of viruses have occurred in the process.  Even today, more than ten foreign species are used to produce currently licensed vaccines for cats and dogs.

The general acceptance of the safety of cross-species produced vaccines was supported in part by the generalization that there are inherent restrictions to the interspecies of disease.  Thus, like vaccinia, most viruses are less harmful, but others can be far more dangerous after invading a foreign host.  One dramatic example is that of the human infection caused by herpes-type monkey B virus.  This germ remains a rather harmless invader of monkeys, but place it in humans, and striking, severe, acute illness results which commonly ends in death. Likewise, a modified horse measles-virus (morbillivirus) can be lethal to man. Other examples include the relatively mild dog distemper morbillivirus that was blamed for the deaths of 3000 lions in the Serengeti; the cat-adapted parvovirus that caused worldwide infection in dogs; and the mouse-derived parvovirus cystic choriomeningitis virus that caused severe hepatitis in monkeys. Eleanor McBean in chapter 1 of her book, “The Poisoned Needle”, states that

vaccination and the false germ theory upon which it is hinged has led mankind far astray and has severed the fragile thread that offered medical theory and practice a hope of becoming a science.  Under the sway of our present degenerative medical methods the health of our people has declined to the lowest point in history.  The 1955 survey showed that over 90% of our population is below par mentally or physically.  According to life insurance records, army reports, hospital statements, government statistics and physical examinations for marriage certificates and employment etc., it is revealed that there is hardly one normal, healthy person in a hundred.   The Cancer Foundation states that one out of every four is marked for cancer.  The figures on heart trouble are even worse than that of the other “killer diseases” come in for their toll.  Practically all the rest of the people have symptoms of less serious diseases; these symptoms being headaches, constipation, weak eyes, dental cavities, colds, pain, stomach trouble etc. 

Chapter1 continues:


The false “germ theory” of disease, upon which vaccination is based, has been the “blind leader of the blind” that has dragged the medical system and the Impressionable public deeper into the morass of confusion and disease. 

Eleanor McBean in chapter 1 of her book, “The Poisoned Needle”, notes the writings of Dr. Herbert M. Shelton wherein he states that the whole of the modern medical practice of vaccine, serum and antitoxin therapy is based upon the supposition that the body manufactures substance called anti-toxins, anti-bodies, antigens etc., which are capable of meeting and destroying toxins that get into the body.  The idea seems to be sound, although it is possible that the work of destroying such toxins is that the detoxification carried on by the liver and lymph glands etc.  Anti-toxins, antibodies, antigens etc., have never been isolated.  They have only been assumed, while the practice based upon their assumed existence has been both failure and disaster.  However, this may not be due to the animal blood (in making vaccines) and these proteins which injected directly into the blood of another animal (or human being) are very poisonous.  Besides this, there is no evidence that the anti-toxins of one species can be made use of by another species.  Where vaccines are employed, it constitutes the introduction of actual disease matter into the blood.  That is, the supposed causative germs or some products of the disease is introduced into the body.  The consequences are often terrible.  Real benefits are never observed.

If the hypothesis that the body manufactures anti-toxins, anti-bodies etc., is correct it remains to be proven that the body ever manufactures these greatly in excess of the need for them.  It cannot be shown that “free” anti-toxin, anti-bodies etc., are suspended in the blood serum and can therefore be transferred to another animal in sufficient quantities to be of use to the receiving animal.  In keeping with a general law of life, it is very probable that the body does manufacture an excess of anti-bodies, but it cannot be shown that it retains these after the need for them has ceased.  On the contrary, in keeping with another general law of life, it is very probable that the body begins to get rid of them the very instant the need for them ceases.  If they exist, they are chemical substances produced to meet an emergency and will be cast out as soon as the emergency ceases to exist.

“Nature makes no mistakes and violates no laws.  She is uniformly governed by fixed principles and all her actions harmonize with the laws that govern these actions.”  (The Hygienic System, Herbert M. Shelton, p. 48)

The best, indeed, the only, method of promoting individual and public health is to teach people the laws of nature and thus teach them how to preserve their health.  Immunization programs are futile and are based on the delusions that the law of cause and effect can be annulled.  Vaccines and serums are employed as substitutes for right living; they are intended to supplant obedience to the laws of life.  Such programs are slaps in the face of law and order.  Belief in immunization is a form of delusional insanity.  (Principle of Natural Healing, Herbert M. Shelton, p.478).
