Vaccines – The other side of the Story

Education in health principles was never more needed than now.

T. Dixon

Education in health principles was never more needed than now. Notwithstanding the wonderful progress in so many lines relating to the comforts and conveniences of life, even to sanitary matters and to the treatment of disease, the decline in physical vigor and power of endurance is alarming. It demands the attention of all who have at heart the well-being of their fellow men. MH 125.2

“Truth wears no mask, seeks neither place nor applause, bows to no human shrine; she only asks a hearing.” (“The Poisoned Needle” Eleanor McBean, page 1)

It is not God’s purpose that any human being should yield his mind and will to the control of another, becoming a passive instrument in his hands. No one is to merge his individuality in that of another. He is not to look to any human being as the source of healing. His dependence must be in God. In the dignity of his God-given manhood, he is to be controlled by God Himself, not by any human intelligence.  MH. 133.2

According to John R. Christopher, (“Curing the Incurables”, page 1), “There are no incurable diseases, but at times there are incurable patients.  The Creator has given herbs and assisting wholistic therapies for every type of body malfunction.  If they are used, benefits will come.  But if they are not used as directed, they can be of no aid.”

Harold E.Buttman, MD, (from the book “Vaccines, Are They Really Safe and Effective” by Neil Z. Miller, page 8),  states that there is at the present time an ominous trend in America towards deteriorating health in children and young adults, a trend which is well substantiated by scientific statistical reports.  Allergic diseases such as asthma and eczema are rapidly increasing in both frequency and severity.  Autoimmune diseases (afflictions in which antibodies or immune cells attack the tissues of one’s own body) have increased many folds in the past several generations. Perhaps most ominous of all is the rise in childhood behavioral disorders, including hyperactivity and learning disorders, with approximately 15 percent now being classified as learning disabled.    A substantial portion of today’s children is receiving frequent courses of antibiotics for treatment of recurrent ear infections and/or respiratory illness, a pattern that suggests an increasing prevalence of immune impairment when compared with earlier generations.     Among young adults today there are newly emerging and poorly understood syndromes of chemical sensitivity and chronic fatigue, conditions that are disabling millions of our youth who should be entering the prime of their lives. 

The following table from the book, “The Poisoned Needle” by Eleanor McBean, gives us an idea of what our present faulty methods are doing to our race:


Insanity increase  400%

Cancer increased  308%

Anemia increased 300%

Epilepsy increased 397%

Bright’s disease increased 65%

Heart disease increased 179%

Diabetes increased 1800% (In spite of or because of insulin)

Polio increased 680%

Never in the history of the world have preventable diseased flourished with such wild abandon, continuously being fed by the very drug and commercialized irritants that set them into operation in the first place.

(Musing thought: These figures are from 1957, imagine what these numbers are like today and what new diseases can be added?)

Dr. Alexis Carrel, of the Rockefeller Institute, stated: (Scientific Monthly, July 1925)

“Although the adult individual today has much less chance of dying from smallpox, cholera, or typhoid, than he had 50 years ago, he surely has more prospect of being tortured by some form of cancer, afflicted with slow diseases of the kidneys, of the circulatory apparatus or the endocrine glands, and of going insane….. Modern medicant protects him (attempts to) against infections which kills rapidly but leaves him exposed to the slower and more cruel diseases.

Neil Z. Miller in his book, “Vaccines, Are They really Safe and Effective” page 13, notes that vaccines are injections that contain weakened amount of the disease germ that they are meant to protect against.  They are said to work by stimulating the body to produce antibodies – proteins that defend the body from an invasion by harmful germs.  The term “vaccine” is derived from “vacca,” the Latin word for cow.  This is because the material in cowpox (a disease affecting the udders of cows), was injected into people to protect them against an attack of smallpox.