
Rest from all work at least one, day a week.


Rest is a condition wherein the human body is permitted to heal and reabsorb the natural forces that it has lost through the use and abuse of the body and mind. Go to bed before 10:00 p.m. at night.
The body heals itself between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. In addition, the later you go to bed the greater the risk of lowering your immune system.
Avoid eating at least three hours before bedtime.

Do you have trouble sleeping?
• No TV, no eating or reading in bed.
• Do not watch the clock it create anxiety.
• Watch no news after 9pm; go to bed before 10:00pm
• Do not use caffeine products and avoid too much salt and spicy foods
•Take a warm bath
• Get active exercise during the day; walk outdoors before bedtime
• Avoid loud noise, too much talking, worry and anxiety
• Get adequate fresh air
• Read God’s word, pray and trust in Him


  • Take short breaks throughout the, day
  • Read a favorite book
  • Walking relaxes the mind
  • Rest from all work at least one, day a week.


  • Improves daytime alertness
  • Improves, leaning abilities
  • Enhances ability to cope with pain
  • Two hour.s' good sleep before twelve o'clock is worth more than four hours after twelve o'clock
  • Reduces weight


  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night
  • Eat your last meal at least 3 hours before bedtime
  • Sleep with your window opened to get fresh air that oxygenates, your blood while you r,est
  • Go to bed at II east by 10:00pm nightly. Research shows that going to bed after 10:00 p.m. continually for two weeks alleviate blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Sleep in a dark room without light shining in the room this prevents restful sleep.
  • Spend some time weekly to meditate and relax