Pure Air

In order to have good blood, we must breathe well.


Air is the most vital element for humans and animals. We could survive for weeks without food, or days without water, but minutes without air. It improves the brain function. It promotes quality sleep, and kills bacteria and viruses in the air. Avoid wearing tightly fitting clothing, including belts and elastics.

In order to have good blood, we must breathe well. Full, deep inspirations of pure air, which fill the lungs with oxygen, purify the blood.
Proper breathing:
• Soothes the nerves
• Stimulates the appetite
• Renders more perfect digestion
• Induces sound refreshing sleep
• Promotes good blood
• Improves blood to the brain
• Good for anxiety attacks

  • Essential to life
  • Vitalizes, the blood
  • Restores the mind kills germs
  • Helps dean the lungs.


  • Keep windows open in the home to have pure, air circulated throughout.
  • Sleep with your windows slightly opened at night
  • Avoid wearing tightly fitting clothing1 including belts and ,elastics. to keep the, lungs free to expand.
  • Keep plants in the home to purify the air.
  • Breathe, deeply through your nose
  • Exercise in fresh air.
  • Avoid polluted environment
  • Avoid having shady trees and fallen leaves too close to the house.
  • Avoid storing spoiled fruits, vegetables or food in and around the home.
Air Filtering Guide

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