
Exercise is very essential to good health. The acronym “FIT” is a good exercise program.Exercise


Exercise is very essential to good health.  We were created for action. Exercise provides greater vitality, extra energy, and longer life. Exercise is very essential to good health and blood circulation. Walking is superior to other forms of exercise as the entire body is in motion. Walk for at least 1 hour daily or for as long as you can do, preferably early morning. After each meal walk casually for 15 to 30
minutes to aid with digestion of your food.

The acronym “FIT” is a good exercise program.
“F” stands for frequency of exercise.
“I” stands for the intensity or how hard.
“T” stands for the amount of time.
Walking is the best form of exercise for the diseased.
One should walk 21 miles per week, which is approximately 3 miles per day seven days per week for approximately one hour.


Strengthens he,art muscle
Lowers high blood pressure
Reduces risk of cancer
Burns excess fat
Improves circulation
Reduces stress and anxiety
Strengthens bones by retaining calcium


A sedentary lifestyle is a direct route to an early grave.
  • Strengthens heart muscle
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Reduces risk of cancer
  • Burns excess fat
  • Improves circulation
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Strengthens bones by retaining calcium
  • Walk for at least 1 hour dally, preferably early morning
  • Take a casual digestive walk for 15 to 30 minutes after each meal
  • Swing your arms when you walk
  • How brisk should you walk?
  • You should at least be abile to carry on a conversation
  • When you walk maintain good posture and keep your head up incorporate some, strength bearing component in your exercise program such as lifting light weights or gardening
  • Walking is the best form of exercise as the entire body is in motion
  • Exercise in the open air
  • Start slowly and work up to a brisk pace gradually.