
We go through life with two great forces.

E. Maylecia Fergus, MACC, BMS, PGCE, CBA

Life is full of challenges. However, there is nothing that is new under the sun. We go through life with two great forces. They are the forces for good and the forces for evil. With that said we will look at depression from those two basic underpinning. Depression itself defies definition - in that any and everything can be a cause for a depressive state of mind. From teens to adults, depression comes in many forms with varying levels. Nonetheless, for the purpose of this ‘paper’ we can agree that depression according to Webster Collegiate Dictionary as ‘a state of feeling sad’.

Putting this into prospective, this sadness has the power for good and also the power for evil. It means that our sadness can bring us to an elevated position of trust, deep thinking and rebuke as in the case of David in Psalm 42:5 ‘Why are thou “cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me? Hope in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance’. David relies solely on God – the preeminent level. Jesus was also sad as he contemplated his solemn duty of dying for this sinful race. Yes, he was depressed, and his trusted friends offer no comfort. He bid them sleep on the third occasion but with a caution. ‘Watch and pray; … the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak’ [Matthew 26:41].

Human weakness engrossed in the power of evil has no limit. We know that the challenges in this world on a sad countenance are hard to conceptualize. It is no wonder that many depressed minds are also suicidal in thoughts. The force that states you do not belong, you are useless or even to venture to communicate in words, deeds, and action that this world would be a better place without you. The situation is distressing. The depressed are in real danger. [The World health Organization states that there is effective treatment for mild, moderate, and severe depression. Through different health providers the PHQ-9 and DSM-5 diagnostic test instrument that assist in determining the severity of one state of mind to mitigate and restore through intervention that those so affected can lead a normal life].

We have a work to do as Gospel Medical Missionary and Literature Evangelists. We must warn the world that the good seed was planted by Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world, but the enemy has planted thorns among the wheat. Living a life for Jesus is of paramount importance. Trials are going to come. We may be depressed; even our family, friends and loved ones may have suffered from depression but God is able to restore us. Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot cure. We must be positive and confident and be intentional in our deliberation. We serve a God that can master the impossible. Jeremiah is reminding us that there is power in His divine purpose. Let us reach the depressed in Love and introduce them to our God of healing wonders. “The power that is near to deliver from physical harm or distress is also near to save from the greatest evil, making it possible for the servant of god to maintain his integrity under all circumstances, and to triumph through divine grace”.[PK 545.3]

Depression itself defies definition - in that any and everything can be a cause for a depressive state of mind.