About TOC

About Table Of Christ Health Ministries

Table of Christ Health Ministries is a privately owned non-profit organization and resource center for Health and Spiritual Reformation located in the United States of America and Kingston Jamaica. 

We believe the message of Health, Healing and Restoration should be readily available to every people, kindred, nation, and tongue.


To teach people that a successful practice of the healing art must be based upon the laws of Health and the economy of vitality.  In addition, they will know how to reverse every possible debilitating lifestyle disease by the grace of God using the most advanced scientific combinations on health and spiritual wholeness for the family.

Our competent staff are available for speaking engagements, seminars, medical missionary training and cooking schools. Events can be conducted online or in person lasting, from one day or up to several weeks depending on the nature of the program.  We are available to make presentations to religious institutions, schools, businesses, government agencies, radio and television in numerous countries.


Table of Christ Health Ministries was born out of our group named Team Cooperation. Since November of 2020, we embarked on the Gospel Medical Missionary Training which was offered by the Complete Healing Through the Laws of Health Ministries & Natural Healing through the Laws of Health Ministries in Kingston, Jamaica.  We immediately fell in love with the Medical Missionary work and got involved in assisting both Ministries.   We launched out into the deep and began to pray and fast for the name, location, and purpose of the ministry.   Today, we are proud to say we have the finest Family Herbalist, Nutritional Herbalist, Naturopathic Doctors on staff.

We believe that disease never comes without a cause.  Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that results from the violation of the Laws of Health.

Also, that sickness comes upon us because of one of three reasons:

  1. The Glory of God, 
  2. The violation of Natural Laws, 
  3. The violation of Spiritual Laws. 

Once the cause of the issues is ascertained, health will be restored or that God's grace will be sufficient for thee.

We teach from three perspectives: the Bible, Inspiration and Good Science, giving you by far, the most advanced teaching in health reform.

We believe that the Creators healthcare plan is affordable and available to everyone and can be done anywhere in the world.    We strive to emulate the example that God has set for us and so we want to exhibit a love and a passion to help others.  We teach individuals how to improve and reverse lifestyle diseases.